Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Just saw this quote on Pinterest and it was just to perfect not to share. After coming off the worst year in my life, this is turning out to be one of the best. I have changed drastically and the way I live my life has changed drastically. Those who know me are rolling their eyes because I'm the biggest Meryl Streep fan, but she is perfect in my eyes.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Everything is Rosey

Some people have a signature scent, but not me. I am always mixing up my fragrances because I get bored easy. Lately, I have been drawn to anything with a rose scent. I'm not sure if it is because I am in a very good season in my life or what. Here are some of my current favs:

I have been using this spray for years. I keep a bottle at home and at my desk at work. It is great to set your makeup or just refresh your skin throughout the day. Plus, it is only $7 and will last a long time.

I absolutely love shopping at Lush! I try to avoid chemical and strong ingredients, and Lush is free from any of that. I picked up some of the Lush Rose Jam bath bombs and they are the perfect treat after a long day. You can break them in half and get two baths from one bomb. Also, try Sex Bomb from Lush for a bath that is filled with amazing rose petals.
This Rose scented Argan Body Conditioner is the best lotion I've ever tried. Not only does it smell heavenly it makes your skin feel as smooth as all Lush Products do. I am obsessed with this stuff.
A client gifted me with this Diptyque Roses candle. They didn't even know it is my current fragrance of choice, and I am in love with it!