Tuesday, August 5, 2014


If you haven't heard of fashionABLE you must check them out. I have an insane scarf collection and fashionABLE is one of my favorite places to buy them. Plus, when you buy a scarf or accessory it is for a good cause. Several celebrities have been photographed wearing these scarves giving this cause some great media coverage.  Each purchase of a fashionABLE product creates sustainable business in Africa.  Each item you purchase comes with a handwritten thank you note from the woman who made it. It's an amazing cause and fashionABLE is headquartered in Nashville!  They are currently running a 25% off promo! So check them out at www.livefashionable.com and make a difference in these women's lives! The fall collection will be out soon.
Also, Niki Taylor has partnered with Style Haul to start her own Youtube channel. Check it out and subscribe! Niki is a legend in the fashion world and one of the nicest people I know! 

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